358 research outputs found

    Implications of Trust, Fear, and Reciprocity for Modeling Economic Behavior

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    This paper reports three experiments with triadic or dyadic designs. The experiments include the moonlighting game in which first-mover actions can elicit positively or negatively reciprocal reactions from second movers. First movers can be motivated by trust in positive reciprocity or fear of negative reciprocity, in addition to unconditional other-regarding preferences. Second movers can be motivated by unconditional other-regarding preferences as well as positive or negative reciprocity. The experimental designs include control treatments that discriminate among actions with alternative motivations. Data from our three experiments and a fourth one are used to explore methodological questions, including the effects on behavioral hypothesis tests of within-subjects vs. across-subjects designs, single-blind vs. double-blind payoffs, random vs. dictator first-mover control treatments, and strategy responses vs. sequential play.

    SkattetillÀgget och dess förenlighet med artikel 4 i sjunde tillÀggsprotokollet till Europakonventionen

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    FrĂ„gestĂ€llning Drabbas den skattskyldige av dubbelbestraffning nĂ€r denne pĂ„förs bĂ„de skattetillĂ€gg och döms för brott enligt skattebrottslagen? Sammanfattning Av artikel 4 i sjunde tillĂ€ggsprotokollet i Europakonventionen framgĂ„r att den som en gĂ„ng blivit dömd eller frikĂ€nd av domstol för brott ska vara skyddad mot nytt Ă„tal och ny dom i samma sak, dvs. principen om ”ne bis dem” eller det sĂ„ kallade dubbelbestraffningsförbudet. En central frĂ„ga som lĂ€nge varit föremĂ„l för en omfattande diskussion och debatt Ă€r huruvida det svenska skattetillĂ€gget strider mot artikel 6 i Europakonventionen. BĂ„de i motiv och i praxis synes man numera vara enig om att ett pĂ„förande av skattetillĂ€gg bör förstĂ„s som en anklagelse för brott i den mening som avses i artikel 6. Som en följd hĂ€rav har det vidare ifrĂ„gasatts om ett skattetillĂ€ggsförfarande och ett straffrĂ€ttsligt förfarande vid lĂ€mnade av en oriktig uppgift Ă€r förenlig med dubbelbestraffningsförbudet i artikel 4 i sjunde tillĂ€ggsprotokollet. Det har alltsĂ„ ifrĂ„gasatts om ett och samma förfarande, lĂ€mnande av oriktig uppgift till ledning för taxering enligt det svenska rĂ€ttsystemet i praktiken beivras tvĂ„ gĂ„nger: Ă„ ena sidan genom pĂ„förande skattetillĂ€gg enligt 5:1 TL och Ă„ andra sidan genom att dömas till straffansvar för skattebrott enligt 2 § SBL. I detta sammanhang har det vidare ifrĂ„gasatts om den skattskyldige drabbas av dubbelbestraffning nĂ€r denne pĂ„förs sĂ„vĂ€l skattetillĂ€gg som straff för vĂ„rdslös skatteuppgift. Dessa frĂ„gor har behandlats i samband med införandet av en ny lagstiftning som bygger pĂ„ Regeringens proposition 2002/03:106. Även HD och RegeringsrĂ€tten har tagit stĂ€llning till dessa frĂ„gor. Denna uppsats behandlar frĂ„gan hur det gĂ„r att motivera att förfarandet lĂ€mnade av oriktig uppgift delas upp i tvĂ„ brott för att sedan staten ska kunna straffa den skattskyldige tvĂ„ gĂ„nger för samma sak

    Probabilistic Risk Attitudes and Local Risk Aversion: a Paradox

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    Prominent theories of decision under risk that challenge expected utility theory model risk attitudes at least partly with transformation of probabilities. This paper shows how attributing local risk aversion (partly or wholly) to attitudes towards probabilities can produce extreme probability distortions that imply paradoxical risk aversion

    Rëndësia e globalizimit në zhvillimin ekonomik, rasti i Kosovës

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    Globalizmi Ă«shtĂ« bĂ«rĂ« fjala mĂ« e pĂ«rdorur nĂ« çdo kohĂ« dhe nĂ« çdo kontekst, nĂ« diskurset ndĂ«rkombĂ«tare zyrtare dhe jozyrtare nĂ« kontekstin e ndĂ«rvarĂ«sisĂ« sĂ« ekonomisĂ« dhe kombeve. Globalizimi ka evoluar me kalimin e kohĂ«s. Globalizimi ka filluar tĂ« jetĂ« i rĂ«ndĂ«sishĂ«m qĂ« prej pĂ«rfundimit tĂ« luftĂ«s sĂ« ftohtĂ« dhe ka pĂ«rshpejtuar çlirimin e shpejtĂ« tĂ« ekonomive nĂ« zhvillim. Globalizimi nuk Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« fenomen thjesht bashkĂ«kohor. Sipas Chanda:”i punuar nĂ« heshtje pĂ«r mijĂ«ra vite pa iu dhĂ«nĂ« njĂ« emĂ«r”. VĂ«rtet, proceset e globalizimit po evoluojnĂ« vazhdimisht, tĂ« shtyrĂ« nga aspiratat ekonomike tĂ« miliona rreth globit-sa mĂ« shumĂ« njerĂ«z tĂ« pĂ«rfshirĂ« aq mĂ« shpejt ndodh globalizimi. QĂ«llimi i kĂ«tij studimi Ă«shtĂ« qĂ« tĂ« analizohen efektet e globalizimit tĂ« pĂ«rcaktuara nĂ« integrimin e aktiviteteve ekonomike, kryesisht pĂ«rmes tregjeve, nĂ« qĂ«ndrueshmĂ«rinĂ« ekonomike dhe globale, karshi konkurrencĂ«s nĂ« sektorin e Bashkimit Evropian. Globalizimi ka hapur mundĂ«si tĂ« reja pĂ«r njĂ« zhvillim tĂ« gjerĂ« nĂ« mbarĂ« botĂ«n. MegjithatĂ«, kjo nuk Ă«shtĂ« duke u zhvilluar nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ« tĂ« barabartĂ«, sepse disa qarqe janĂ« duke u integruar nĂ« ekonominĂ« globale mĂ« shpejt se tĂ« tjerĂ«t me dĂ«shmi tĂ« rritjes sĂ« shpejtĂ« dhe varfĂ«risĂ« sĂ« reduktuar. PĂ«r konsekuencĂ«, njĂ« koncept kuadri koherent analitik Ă«shtĂ« pĂ«rdorur pĂ«rgjatĂ« studimit. Studimi pĂ«rbĂ«het nga njĂ« rishikim i literaturĂ«s dhe njĂ« vlerĂ«sim nga faktorĂ«t kryesorĂ« tĂ« globalizimit

    It Is Time to Dream Once Again

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    Small- and Large-Stakes Risk Aversion: Implications of Concavity Calibration for Decision Theory

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    A growing literature reports the conclusions that: (a) expected utility theory does not provide a plausible theory of risk aversion for both small-stakes and large-stakes gambles; and (b) this decision theory should be replaced with an alternative theory characterized by loss aversion. This paper explains that the arguments in previous literature fail to support these conclusions. Either concavity calibration has no general implication for expected utility theory or it has problematic implications for all decision theories that involve concave transformations (utility or value functions) of positive money payoffs, which makes loss aversion irrelevant to the argument

    Risk Aversion as Attitude towards Probabilities: A Paradox

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    Theories of decision under risk that challenge expected utility theory model risk attitudes at least partly with transformation of probabilities. We explain how attributing risk aversion (partly or wholly) to attitude towards probabilities, can produce extreme probability distortions that imply paradoxical risk aversion.risk aversion, probability transformation, calibration, reference dependence, loss aversion

    Macbeth the messenger between Shakespeare and Kadare

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    Shakespeare’s figure in this research paper is loomed as tangential, since his world wide dimension has already entered in the records of the world literature together with Homer, Aeschylus, Dante, Cervantes up to other later writers such as Marques and Eco. Fortunately for us, this list also includes our writer Ismail Kadare. A lot of contemporary world’s scholars and critics, when writing about Kadare (surely the merits for being the first to write about him belong to the French writer Alen Boske), drew the parallel between Kadare and other writers such as Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Gogol, Kafka, and Orwell. His correlations with these colossi present a versatile interest, but we are going to focus especially on the intersections with Shakespeare, respectively with his work. The first embryo of the intersection is undoubtedly Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s masterpieces, which Kadare had read in his early childhood
